
This GitHub project is Cooler Math Games, a cooler version of the popular website coolmathgames.com

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Justin's DynamoDB Notes

AWS DynamoDB Tutorial for Beginners

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How do NoSQL databases work?

SQL vs NoSQL Explained

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This is the project of the trimester 3 lebronbots

Main idea: Our website is a online food ordering service that allows users to order food from local 4s ranch restaurants.

Group members: Justin, Rohan, Ryan, Kian

Group members' replit profiles: Justin

Scrum Board: Feature Progress

Title: QuickFood

Sponsor: Wendy’s

Project Owner: Manager Irfan Nasim and the Wendy’s restaurant chain as well as Ryan Freedman at Chick-fil-A have wanted a better personal online connection with their local customers, and by investing in their restaurant they are able to have a more personalized feedback than their official Wendy’s application.

We will have weekly meetings showing the development of the website to Irfan and have regular input with the Wendy’s management to see what features they want in the website.

Plan: We’ll create a very simple site for ordering food, making it extremely easy for people to order their food. It’ll be a lot better than DoorDash since it’ll only have the priority restaurants that are the most popular. Aside from Wendy’s we’ll have a few other fast food restaurants because those are usually the most priority and the most visited.

plan plan plan

Projected Features