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Video: SQL Basics for Beginners
Introduction to SQL
Well defined standards
Each query has to be written in a specific way
Can create multiple views
Data and Database
Database: data from user is process, stored
Distributed Database
Object Oriented Database
Centralized Database
Operational Database
Graph Database
NoSQL Database
Cloud Database
Relational Database
Popular Databases
Microsoft access
Microsoft sql server
Table: collection of data in a tabular form
Contains data values named values
Intersection of rows and columns = cell
Any amount of rows, set amount of columns
Table has to have a name
Tuples: single row of table which contains single record for that relation
Attributes: features of an entity
Has a name and data value
Table constraints: restrictions defined by user when table is created
Have to be decided during creation of table
Check default
Primary key
Foreign key
Not null
SQL Queries
Select statement: what part of table you want to select
Where clause: if we need only certain records, filters through table
And, or, not operator: just like operators in java
Insert into: inserting new record or data into table
Aggregate values
Average, min, etc.
Order by: sort result in ascending or descending order
Null values: are null (field with no value)
Update: modify rows in a table
Delete: delete rows